I was reading Genesis Chapter 3, the story of the first sin. Like most of you, I have either read or heard the story of Adam and Eve and the first sin several times. Yet as I read it this time, something new caught my eye. It wasn't only the first sin but also the first time the blame game was played.
You may be wondering what I mean by this. Let's look at the text in Genesis 3:12. This is the answer Adam gives God after He asks whether they ate of the tree of acknowledgment. This is Adam's response. "The woman you gave to me gave me the fruit." In other words, it's not my fault. It's that woman you gave me. It's her fault. It gets better. He then asks Eve what she has done, and in verse 13, we see the blame game continue. "The serpent deceived me, and I ate."
This is us in so many ways. I look at this story and see that it states that Eve handed the fruit to Adam, so he was near when this exchange with the serpent was taking place, and he didn't say anything at that time. He didn't question Eve's actions; instead, he took the fruit and ate it. Then there is Eve, who knew what her husband had told her that came right from God, but instead of walking away when the serpent started to ask questions, she engaged him and ate the fruit. But it wasn't her fault. It was the serpent's fault because he deceived her.
Have you ever played the blame game? I know I have. Why? Because we don't want to deal with the consequences of owning up to our part in a situation. We should never have been part of the situation in the first place. We should have just walked away, but like Eve, we don't, even though deep down you know it isn't right.
One excuse I have heard several times is that the devil made me do it. Really? Do you forget the fact that you have free will and, therefore, can make your own choices? If you choose to go with the crowd and get caught, it's not the crowd's fault. It's yours. James 1:14 reminds us that it is our own desires that entice and lure us in. And in Galatians 6:7, we see that what we sow, we also reap, and let's not forget what Galatians 6:5 says about having a load to bear.
All this means one thing and one thing only. We are responsible for our own actions. We can say no by walking away. To go against the normal, it's not easy, but it's better than getting into trouble, and when we decide to blame others, we choose to disregard our part in the situation that in itself can and most likely cause even more turmoil. Instead of playing the blame game, walk away and ask the Lord to give you the strength to do the right thing and keep out of the blame game.